
商机详情 -


来源: 发布时间:2022年10月13日

USES: pixie dots can be hung on the neck of a child or put into a pocket. For example, a child can run around in the supermarket, and you can know where the child is with your mobile phone.You can't find your golden turtle, cat, puppy or other pet anywhere in the world.For example, if your mobile phone or wallet is stolen from the bus, take out another mobile phone, scan, and you can know which thief your mobile phone wallet is on.When you get off the plane and wait for your luggage, you can scan it to see if it's almost there.The ipad and remote control at home are hidden by the children, and they can be found after scanning.在工程实现上,UWB技术比其他无线技术要简单得多,可全数字化实现。江苏个性化DW1000价格



This is not a GPS signal, GPS has the advantage of the open outdoor signal, as long as there is electricity has a mobile phone card can track the target, but GPS also has many limitations: indoor no signal, battery life, battery is not durable, must not big volume can be used as big (charging treasure can use several days), had to be plugged into mobile communication card to mobile signal to support GPS signal, thus high cost of the (500 yuan of above), who would like to find the target of every day carrying a big battery mass flow also pay fee?With such a large size, the searched pet cannot stand it, and the searched child is not willing to carry such a heavy thing. Moreover, it is easy to lose such a heavy burden, and it is inconvenient to carry such a large GPS.You need to be looking for a target. You can't have a GPS that big, you can't put it on your checked baggage (you can't have GPS on your plane), you can't put it in your wallet...In short, bulk makes everything difficult.蓝牙追踪器不仅可以定位,还可以配合iPhone感知其具体的位置。





※IEEE802.15.42011UWBcompliant※Supports6RFbandsfrom3.5GHzto6.5GHz※Programmabletransmitteroutputpower※Fullycoherentreceiverformaximumrangeandaccuracy※ComplieswithFCC&ETSIUWBspectralmasks※Supplyvoltage2.8Vto3.6V※Lowpowerconsumption※SLEEPcurrent1μA※DEEPSLEEPcurrent50nA※Dataratesof110kbps,850kbps,6.8Mbps※Maximumpacketlengthof1023bytesforhighdatathroughputapplications※IntegratedMACsupportfeatures※SupportsTWRandTDOA※SPIinterfacetohostprocessor※6mmx6mm48-pinQFNpackagewith0.4mmleadpitch※Smallnumberofexternalcomponents 江苏个性化DW1000价格





